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  4. Surrey, Canada
  1. home
  2. About Dongjak
  3. Sister Cities
  4. Surrey, Canada

Surrey, Canada


Canadian flag

Information of Sister City

  • Information of friendship city
  • Location: Adjacent to Washington State, the U.S. and located southwest of Metro Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada
  • Area: 301.76㎢ (18.5 times the area of Dongjak-gu)
  • Features
    • It is easy to access the U.S. market since the city borders the U.S. After Canada joined the North American Free Trade Agreement, it became a good place to enter the North American market.
    • Surrey is the largest city of Metro Vancouver and has a lot of available housing.
    • Developing Campbell Heights Science Park with a width of about 2.4 million pyeong in cooperation with the state government
  • Major industries: Forestry and Tourism
  • Other information
    Other information
    Category Description
    Educational institution 3 colleges (junior colleges or higher), 17 middle/high schools, 92 elementary schools, and 23 private schools
    Culture and leisure Its nickname is the “City of Parks” due to over 400 parks all over the city. The total area of the parks exceed 3,000 acres (about 3,670,000 pyeong) and most of them preserve nature intactly.
    Other facilities, etc. Over 450 clinics and dental clinics including Bountery Public Health Center
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) maintains public order.

Exchange History

Exchange History
Date Description
February 17, 2000 Requested a friendship city relationship via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (current Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
May 31, 2000 Notified the Korean Consulate General in Vancouver, Canada – Mayor of Surrey planned to visit Dongjak-gu in early August
July 22, 2000 Invited the Mayor of Surrey and his officials
August 7, 2000 The Mayor of Surrey, Doug McCallum, visited Dongjak-gu
October 31, 2000 Dongjak-gu Businessmen Delegation (Chairman: Mayor of Dongjak-gu) visited Surre
Concluded a friendship agreement <Visiting period: October 31 – November 5>
November 15-23, 2001 Visited Surrey
February 17, 2000 Requested a friendship city relationship via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (current Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
May 31, 2000 Notified the Korean Consulate General in Vancouver, Canada – Mayor of Surrey planned to visit Dongjak-gu in early August